Artificial intelligence accounting program for smart work processing

This is a SMART A cloud service that allows real-time business processing and data sharing without time and space constraints, and can even solve corporate computer management and security issues at once.

Overview and configuration diagram

01. ISOLUTION Smart A Cloud Edition is an innovative accounting program that allows real-time business processing through PCs and mobile devices anytime, anywhere.


Accounting Management

Human Resources · Salary Management

Logistics management (distribution/manufacturing)

Daily labor management Construction site management

Corporate tax adjustment

02. Through the ICT infrastructure and virtualization platform provided by ISOLUTION Cloud Center, corporate ICT resource management and security issues are resolved at once.

ISOLUTION Smart A Cloud Edition
Basic module

Accounting Management

Slip entry/book management

Budget/Fund Management

Management information/financial support

Automatic accounting processing

Settlement/Financial Statement Management

Fixed asset management

Value-added tax management

Tax accounting MRI system

Human Resources · Salary Management

Earned Income Management

Social insurance management

Retirement income management

Business/Other Income Management

Basics/Human Resources Management

Tax report/e-report

Year-end settlement management

Daily labor management

Logistics management (distribution/manufacturing)

Sales Management

Sales Management

Purchase Management

Provisional shipment management

Production cost management

Outsourcing management

Inventory Management

Daily labor management
Construction site management

Wage income management

Basic code management

Attendance Management/Attendance Status

Output date/monthly report

Tax report / electronic report

Payment status management

Social insurance management

Registration as a human service provider

Corporate tax adjustment

Review of basics

Income amount/special/depreciation

Tax calculation report/tax special

Non-profit/public interest/sincerity

Electronic reporting/bulk printing

Tax automation

Link module (external link)

· Electronic tax invoice

· Financial CMS